• I couldn’t find a word to say

    to tell you

    but it is sediment laid

    so many fractured

    bits splayed then


    we are

    by accreted heat

    and particle

    non-erasure of

    all this time

    we build our bed

    I see our contiguous

    days—the spread

    of us

    it settles and

    I know

    I know it stays

    our lines

    are made firmer

    by years and steady mess

    turn us into sturdy mass



    just you and me

    and our basin of

    that word which

    is never all I mean

    billions of worlds will

    come here and

    we will remain all

    our layers my love

    you are

    you are only

    we are

    we are

    we are

  • Once blue big flame

    find here tired now true

    coals spewing flecks

    scalding latent

    lanes of my brain trained

    sidewalks patient while

    toddling legs and bouncing

    clean tongues pounce with

    white curls on them begin

    and not will I find

    where they end

    on me there is no front or back

    no start no finish with us

    odd minutes supply infrequent


    the fray


    melody in warm

    ash stored up shores start to


    never this coast

    want I to walk without

    this ship built

    built of blonde curls

    without the curls I paint fruit

    made of wax and plastic

  • There is always dust on the floorboards

    every day there is more and though

    the task never weakens my effort

    does wane, and I worry I can’t

    sustain the courage each morning

    ahead to dust it again and away.

    Dawn is supposed to be new

    but mine seem the same. I heard

    manna was given— but one day

    at a time— so the children would linger

    and stay nearby. I heard the ground

    remains cursed, not for His, but for ours.

    So the dust is consistent, the

    weed always sprouts, the work

    is unceasing, our time is spent

    pleading for dust and weeds and

    unmade beds to relent. Maybe

    this is the manna: reliable toil—

    Capitulating lambs will

    succumb till greener dust

    we become.

  • When I hear love songs

    of devotion and adulation I sometimes

    wonder could these sometimes

    be about something all together else the

    love of something larger

    secured to something smaller

    smaller like us

    a love we know cause we

    don’t just hear it said or sung

    it’s love that tills

    below shoal and shell the

    unabated mining doesn’t always feel so good

    but this type of love comes in and plans to stay

    in all who will

    all who will

    they may

    may ingest the fleshy alm

    swill then swallow from the

    red iron flavored cup belonging to one certain

    Author and Finisher of love songs

    the gift at first implanted will probably just sit

    most unaware of what was given

    but then eventually it starts

    starts to simmer

    a concentrate made down in One

    and you pause surprised

    cause you aren’t just filled with something new

    you are bound to something big

    You couldn’t do this before but

    now you can you

    can rise and take

    up the bed you’ve been stuck in

    and walk

  • Giants came down hiding

    behind the clouds

    they thought were the reason

    for the overcast land

    they took the blessed innards

    of the happy youth in the

    vacant space laughing left

    a horrible festering

    beetle who fed on the remnants of

    the stuff in the queue for defecation

    and the new guest would have

    fed on the leftovers of a heart if

    there had been any

    but there wasn’t

    any crumbly

    bits left in the place where the

    heart would have been the

    head of an expanding crusty

    creature sat in it and the foreigner

    wore the body of the youth

    a body still that spoke and walked

    and the body ate but none

    of these bore the sameness

    folks who knew his pallor

    and gait took two glances

    at first a smile the second squinted

    confusion at a trail of

    milk in contiguous shlep from

    a spoon of deft cheerios

    not her milk once she gave

    this a new sidekick

    and the other arm

    occupied something swiped

    swiping over and swiping

    again sometimes pausing to click

    and click then swipe

    and though many had missed

    it a few of the folk noticed where

    the holes of ears should

    have been were shiny white

    pearls perpetually stored

    in the round space

    they held a village

    counsel to confirm the oddities

    they voted and found the youth

    responsible some suspected

    stranger noise at play

    but didn’t raise what—

    most continued to pelt the

    youth in curious inquiry

    the lad seemed to not hear

    the clogged ears

    more than many days even

    years later the grubby

    visitor after he’d

    collected all

    he had been

    after even helped itself

    to a bit more the gluttonous

    hoarder after there wasn’t

    any more to take

    the antenna

    on the head of the

    putrid thing sent a memo

    for the giants to to come back

    and retrieve it home and they

    did come back holding the

    somehow preserved

    insides of the youth

    surprising he was not to

    their fleshy liking and the giants pulled


    the fat squirming termite and

    replanted all the entrails

    of the youth

    a sec to find where

    each piece had been eventually

    to get it right

    hearing their own

    stomachs grumbling they

    broke their retrieved insect the

    plump squatter they had just taken

    out of the older now body of the boy

    they popped it

    straight in their mouths

    they broke it into

    into equal parts of course

    the lad is returned

    the valley assuaged

    the lad is now running as his

    way but running




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