• Why are the Beatles so gosh dang

    good at themselves

    and why does age make

    their sound so much

    louder without even doing

    anything else in life they grow

    bigger. And why is

    Whitney’s mouth and her teeth

    the rattle and quiver

    changing my whole

    reason for staying

    on this planet. And why is

    there a pain inside

    when I quiet everyone

    and shhhh turn it up Judy

    Garland and her bangs

    lamenting that best Christmas

    now hymn—

    And how is it my

    heart has been healed

    by certain called


    and their dustlands.

    And how can a





    disagree on

    every dang thing

    but drop all of it

    when the Schuyler

    Sisters suddenly work work

    even Peggy does

    the work and we suddenly all

    stop hating

    and start singing. Somebody

    please tell me

    what is this bright magic

    standing my frantic


    til ingested

    then dark dust blows

    off and the

    damned blood flows?

  • I was born in the chest of an ancient woman

    and when I had the courage

    to look up

    at her I saw she was jagged

    and intense but

    shrouded safely

    too in bristles of tree

    and bush and almost

    always snow but never

    in late summer and early

    fall where Timpanogos stood

    and still

    still will stand bare.

    But when it is May the bleach

    tipped mountain is varnished in

    glowing spring green

    from the near

    top down to the bottom and she

    is smooth and all

    her ligaments and bones and

    riffs and rocks blur

    into one homologous slope and I

    have the strongest

    urge to run

    to the top

    as if my Lady

    were a small bermish

    English hill and then

    slide down her

    effacement as if

    a plaything—

    and most bizarre of all is

    I size up

    her corrugated spine

    and imagine it possible.

    Where are you going

    my little one

    Gail Wood sang to me in an

    alto vibrato mom of

    my mom mostly gentle

    always generous there

    at the base of Timpanogos

    she sang to me both she

    and the mountain

    bastion to the cold

    desert’s discordant climate.

    And at their breast time flowed

    at the pace nature

    grows and the earth and our pulse

    seemed to sync in steady

    balance and the way

    from there was plain

    and straight just one

    neat single breath up.

    Turn around turn around

    and the way is dizzy

    with twiggy detritus in

    the dead growth there

    is no trail and on and

    on the sole I move on

    scorns blisters there are gashes

    on haranguing both

    occupied outstretched

    arms my face

    is mocked by

    mulish wind— never from

    the sitting the waiting

    no. But always

    from the procession on

    fervently on moving toward—

    I don’t even imagine I am on

    anymore any

    longer chasing the summit

    I am hunting for vestiges now

    of her

    her alluvial vibration they

    once stabled me I am haunted

    by Gail Wood’s words the

    dolorous melody

    the plaintive phrase

    Where are you going

    only when my boughs are silenced

    by pugnacious wear when

    forced to be stayed—

    I hear other noises less ghostly

    on her waist-high ledges

    they are not ringing

    from the top they

    do not echo from the

    base but there

    with me on the mountain

    in between— somewhere

    near I hear voices.

  • There was no way the world

    could be a stage

    when my back was held by

    rocks of sand


    native faces patient

    caught me pressing me

    quiet to the mass

    then when I stood

    I hated how I swayed

    chortling tides too familiar

    taunts of acts and lines.

    The nearer I bent

    even to the earth I left

    rotating skies.

    Then or new

    it doesn’t matter because

    a brilliant particle

    impervious to those circles that orbit you

    through time around and back again

    to re-find again


    she who quiets your limits.

    Or is she,


    borne from the acquaintance of limit?

    Either way, the green spark it

    drifting somewhere above

    from below

    like cotton

    over mammoth lake and the

    red eroding mountain— it found me

    on the rock and welcomed me

  • — Of all the loud minds

    never exhumed of

    all the neurons’

    in confluence roaring in

    transmission making paunchy

    maps and reveries that

    wandered down constellations

    no one has ever connected

    and the dot to dot

    sequences of seas

    that lead to an ocean

    where depth in fathoms

    are unfathomable and

    impalpable space furnishes leviathans

    down to the piddling life alive

    and under the surface

    landmarks no human eye

    in vision

    will touch

    worlds without number

    in one head are made

    and the one star seen in satellite maps

    where life can live

    never listens

    but maybe she would hear

    if synaptic shouts weren’t

    stuck building up


    behind tacit tongues

    brilliance in billions uncharted

    and I wait— I’ve been waiting for

    so long for the place

    where all the domains real

    and unseen bear down—

    down so hard all the

    brain cosmos no longer

    remain barred and then

    will never never stop birthing

  • We came on a boat

    of cocktail sauce the eternal shrimp

    all us choke

    insatiable we come to inhale your earth and consume the air of your people

    mmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhh

    your people who’s sweat wets ancient clod fertilized with the iron of layered blood


    and storied

    still dusting the quiet countertops and tables of your children

    and we come for a nibble of you

    your story and we pay you

    to fill us

    please fill us

    with what we eat for and sail and consume

    but can never land on

    Even though we land on your land

    leave our waste at your door

    take take

    your natural wonder your nurtured history your way

    and we make it ours to play and pounce on

    and then we sail away clutching a once noble emblem of yours’

    years of loving years

    of laboring dissolved now

    to kitsch & capitol


Photo by Carly Red

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